A unique and fast solution!
Double R has implemented a brand new and innovative logistic system. The first steps were taken in 2015 and in 2022 the system was ready and fully operational. With the AMRs from the Lowpad company and programming from Actemium, Double R managed to create a revolutionary way to sort and proces parts orders on a large scale. Of course such a system is not created overnight. To find the right solution, fine tune everything, and integrate ideas step by step, a team effort is key.
New webshop and machines
In 2015 Double R Parts launches a new webshop and the amount of orders rises. At this moment every order is still sorted, scanned and packaged by hand. In 2019 packaging machines are installed. This ensures fast and secure sealing of the packages. Here we see the first step towards a more streamlined process.
Lowpads and optimalisation
2020 is the year that the first conversations with Lowpad and Actemium take place over what kind of solution could help with the growing number of orders, make the process more efficient, and ensure a high rate of reliability. After two years, the system is fully operational, running great, and has resulted in better productivity.
Reliability and customisation
These developments have led to a unique logistical solution! The system creates an overview of all orders, so possible mistakes are easily detected and corrected. Using the new scanners the margin of error is minimalized. The system allows for attention to the individual wishes of customers. If an order needs to be sent, we can now locate and deliver the order faster. The system is also beneficial to the staff. Because of the new solution it’s a shorter distance between picking orders.
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